Sunday, July 22, 2012

An Update of Sorts


This is the longest I've gone in a long time without posting. I don't know if it's been because I've been feeling uninspired or not much new has been going on. But I'll take a few minutes and see what I come up with.

  I got a pedicure last week. I can't believe I got a pedicure, never thought I would and never gave it too much thought. And now that I have?...I liked it!

  So yeah I'll go back.

  Against my better judgement I picked up Fifty Shades of Grey a while ago. Pretty much every review I've read has painted it as mediocre, yet it's the best-selling paperback in history. Go figure. I had no intention of giving E L James my money, she doesn't need it. But a friend in Spain who enjoyed it has been asking me to give her my opinion so I bought it. Fortunately with the points I had earned I saved five bucks on it so I was kinda happy about that.

  After three weeks I'm only forty pages into it, partly because it's very slowly fleshing out the characters and setting the stage for them to meet. I think most of my reason for not getting more into it is I have a friend who's on a very similar journey to Anastasia; I find listening to her experiences infinitely more interesting. She told me that many in the BDSM community find the book laughable, from my point of view (even just forty pages in) I find the writing rather immature and wish it had been written by someone who had lived this first-hand. I can't imagine someone with no sexual experience being immediately immersed in this lifestyle.

  Many take issue with how Grey and Anastasia are portrayed. The way her submissiveness is presented doesn't sit well, not because she's in this role but because she's shown as completely unempowered. A victim. My friend shared this link from one woman's viewpoint of what a healthy submissive is. I found it interesting.

  In other news at the beginning of this month I began working for a new company. My team provides outsourced mail room services to a large client (I manage the operation). Recently the company I worked for lost the bid for the contract, we were offered the option of working for the new company and all of us accepted. The downside is I lost sixteen years seniority with nothing from the company to show for it. The good news is it looks like my new employer will be better to work for. I certainly hope so.

  On August 11th Sandy and I are having our annual deck party. It's an all-day affair that starts early afternoon and runs until 2 or 3 in the morning. You're all invited.


Sunday, July 1, 2012

Secret Sunday

Goodbye by Sugar grl14

It's been a while since I featured this so welcome to the 115th round of Secret Sunday, a chance to anonymously share secrets and/or fantasies you've been keeping to yourself. Some are uplifting, some are heartbreaking and some are just plain naughty.

All are valid.

Here's how it works:

1) This is open to anyone who wants to participate, from regular follower to casual visitor.

2) Post a secret or fantasy anonymously. It can be from mild to wild, anything goes. All I ask is that it's true. You can post as many as you're comfortable with. I don't plan to censor content or language.

3) If this is something you'd like to run on your blog please feel free. Let me know and I'll follow along.

And now to it...